邹敏 | |
出生年月:1994年10月 | 邮 箱:vszoumin@126.com |
电 话:18228182881 | 籍 贯:四川南充 |
政治面貌:中共党员 | 研究领域:机械振动利用与控制 |
办公地点:八教-229 | 学 历:工学博士研究生 |
[1]Min Zou, Pan Fang, Yongjun Hou, et. al. Investigation on multiple-frequency synchronization experiment of vibration system with dual-rotor actuation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 164: 108261. (中科院SCI一区Top)
[2]Min Zou, Pan Fang, Yongjun Hou, Yuanguo Wang, Duyu Hou, Huan Peng. Synchronization analysis of two eccentric rotors with double-frequency excitation considering sliding mode control, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 92: 105458. (中科院SCI 一区Top)
[3] Min Zou, Pan Fang, Yongjun Hou, Guodong Chai, Jinsong Chen. Self-synchronization theory of tri-motor excitation with double-frequency in far resonance system, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(16): 3166-3184.
[4] Min Zou, Pan Fang, Huan Peng, Duyu Hou, Mingjun Du, Yongjun Hou. Study on synchronization characteristics for self-synchronous vibration system with dual-frequency and dual-motor excitation, Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology, 2019, 33(3):1065-1078.
[5] 邹敏, 方潘, 侯勇俊, 彭欢, 王德金. 倍频激励双转子振动同步机理与实验研究, 力学学报, 2021, 53(10): 2823-2840.
[6] Pan Fang, Min Zou, Huan Peng, Mingjun Du, Gang Hu, Yongjun Hou. Spatial synchronization of unbalanced rotors excited with paralleled and counterrotating motors in a far resonance system, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 57(3): 723-738.
[7] Pan Fang, Shuangquan Shi, Min Zou, et al. Self-synchronization and control- synchronization of dual-rotor space vibration system. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2021, 139: 103869.
[8] Pan Fang, Yuanguo Wang, Min Zou, et al. Combined control strategy for synchronization control in multi-motor-pendulum vibration system. Journal of vibration and control, 2021.
[9] Huan Peng, Yongjun Hou, Pan Fang, Min Zou, et al. Synchronization analysis of the anti-resonance system with three exciters. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 97: 96-112.
[10] Huan Peng, Yongjun Hou, Pan Fang, Min Zou, et al. Theoretical and experimental investigation on synchronization of secondary vibration isolation system with two exciters. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 511:116351.
[2] 西南石油大学科研创新基金项目, 多电机非线性振动系统倍频同步控制研究, 主持, 2020-10至2022-05.
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目, 双频多电机自同步振动系统的同步机理与同步控制策略研究, 主研, 2017-02至2020-12.
[4] 四川省重点研发项目, 智能变频钻井振动筛同步控制策略研究, 主研, 2020-01至2021-12.
[5] 成都市国际科技合作项目, 复频反共振系统筛分机理及同步控制策略研究, 主研, 2019-09至2021-09.
[6] 企业委托项目, ALSM-2型振动筛开发, 主研, 2017-07至2022-06.
[1] 陈劲松, 邹敏, 方潘, 万鸿燊, 张翅翔, 查佶明, 徐扬扬. 一种多电机振动筛同步相位测试系统, 实用新型专利, CN210304500U, 2020-04-14.
[2] 陈劲松, 邹敏, 方潘, 张翅翔, 万鸿燊, 查佶明, 谢宇, 沈鹏, 敬爽. 一种可变形态的行走辅助装置, 实用新型专利, CN210844114U, 2020-06-26.
[3] 方潘, 侯勇俊, 王钰文, 邹敏, 彭欢, 侯度宇. 一种单激励钻井振动装置和间歇式单激励钻井振动装置, 发明专利, CN108505942A, 2018-09-07.
[4] 方潘, 侯勇俊, 王钰文, 邹敏, 彭欢, 侯度宇. 一种超声波振子紧固装置, 实用新型专利, CN208554942U, 2019-03-01.
[5] 方潘, 侯勇俊, 王钰文, 邹敏, 彭欢, 侯度宇. 一种振动机构和振动发生机构, 发明专利, CN108499838A, 2018-09-07.
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